northgate crossing
municipal utility district 1
About the District
Northgate Crossing Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the “Water District”) is comprised of the subdivisions of Northwood Pines Sections 1 through 7. There are 388 platted lots in the Water District. The Park at Northgate Apartments are also located in the Water District.
The Water District provides water and sanitary sewer services to the properties located within the boundaries of the Water District. To provide these services, the Water District shares ownership, operation and maintenance of a water plant, and a wastewater treatment plant with Northgate Crossing Municipal Utility District No.2. The Water District also shares with Northgate Crossing Municipal Utility District No.2 the storm water pump station located in the Water District.
The Water District also has the power and authority to provide park facilities. The Water District has constructed the sidewalk/trail system in Northwood Pines.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality exercises continuing supervisory authority over the Water District.
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to 888777
Hurricane Season starts every June 1 and runs through the end of November every year. Take the steps to keep your family as prepared as possible in case of an emergency.
To sign up for the Emergency Notification System send a text message to the number 888777 with the word MUD1
Please also see the following Emergency Protocol Quick Reference Guide.